Site icon Slavic Vegan


Anastasia, snow and trees on the background


Hello World!

My name is Anastasia, I am the person behind Slavic Vegan. I was thinking about starting a food blog for years, but until now that was not more than just thoughts.

I turned vegan in 2015 almost overnight. I always liked to experiment and play with the food. Becoming vegan made it even more fascinating. I opened a whole new world of flavors, and I learned how food could be both delicious and healthy.

Past few years I spent continuously traveling. I was amazed at how easy it was to find vegan food almost anywhere in the world. I’m going to share my experience as well as my favorite recipes.

Most exciting for me is to veganize the dishes I was eating as a child, all these hard-core Slavic classics. I live in a country where vegans are still considered freaks. Sometimes I have to go hunting for tofu or soya milk literally. There is a poor variety of fresh veggies and fruits in the stores. So I improvise a lot and practice magic from time to time. My every post is proof that if you have a strong will and beliefs – everything is possible!

Everybody is welcome here to share their thoughts and opinions. Looking forward to your feedback!

Update: I added a DONATE button. During this difficult time, I really need your support. If you’d like to request a recipe, let me know. I’m open to working with special diets as well.

Love & Peace,

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